LoopCAD Roth Edition
We are pleased to announce that Roth has joined the LoopCAD family with the release of the new Roth Edition of LoopCAD 2022!
Roth customers can now enjoy the benefits of performing designs and generating quotations using LoopCAD's powerful and easy to use features. For details please contact Roth Industries.
New in LoopCAD 2022
- Improved performance in both 2D and 3D
- New web-based price updates without a program update
- ASHRAE 2021 Climate Data
- Updated Dimension objects with custom options
- Circuits are now exported to AutoCAD as polylines
- Plus much more!
Video Tutorials
LoopCAD includes Video Tutorial to help familiarize you with the features and capabilities.
There are over 40 video lessons available, with most around 5 minutes long. The first lesson is the Introduction video, and it provides a good overview of LoopCAD's features and capabilities.
Try it for FREE!
The new Roth Edition of LoopCAD 2022 provides a free 30-day trial for new users. The trial version is fully functional so you can even use it on real-world projects.
Just download, install, and start using it free for 30-days.